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Category: Phosphorylation on a Thr residue
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Category: Phosphorylation on a Thr residue


6. Groups of genes

6.4. Phosphoproteins

6.4.6. Phosphorylation on a Thr residue

aroAbiosynthesis of aromatic amino acids
cotGresistance of the spore
cpgAribosome assembly, coordination of peptidoglycan deposition in the cell wall, metabolite proofreading
drmutilization of deoxyribose
enoenzyme in glycolysis/ gluconeogenesis
fbaAenzyme in glycolysis/ gluconeogenesis
glmRregulation of carbon partitioning between central metabolism and peptidoglycan biosynthesis, localization of [protein|A8EEC896B279CFDDE9C3A6F146A04EC822E33A4F|PBP1]
gndApentose phosphate pathway
gpsB[SW|cell division], cell elongation, spatiotemporal control of penicillin‐binding protein activity
hbsDNA packaging, regulation of nucleoid compaction
ltaSbiosynthesis of lipoteichoic acid
ndkmaintainance of an equilibrium between the concentrations of different nucleoside triphosphates
oppAinitiation of [SW|sporulation], competence development
pgienzyme in glycolysis / gluconeogenesis
pgkenzyme in glycolysis/ gluconeogenesis
prkCgermination in response to muropeptides
rsbRcontrol of [protein|580011DE5DC40EC9E7E0512791D328FAA010DCB8|SigB] activity
rsbRBcontrol of SigB activity
rsbRCcontrol of SigB activity
rsbRDcontrol of [protein|580011DE5DC40EC9E7E0512791D328FAA010DCB8|SigB] activity
sodAdetoxification of oxygen radicals
yabApositioning of [protein|6740108089F13116F200C15F35C2E7561E990FEB|DnaA]
yezBpossible stressosome protein